2011年3月4日 星期五


shower 是可數N 陣雨
(但雪和雨是不可屬名詞 或動詞)
April showers bring May flowers.

It rains a lot in Taipei.

We often have rain in Taipei.

We often have snow in Taipei.

We often have showers in Taipei.

e s p e c i a l l y

e s p e c i a l l y

adv. 副詞特別; 尤其; 格外; 主要

I liked all the children, Tom especially. 我喜歡所有的孩子, 特別是湯姆。

We need to be especially careful. 我們需要特別小心。

特地; 專門地

The book is compiled especially for beginners. 這本書是專門為初學者編寫的。

2011年3月2日 星期三

罵同事Childish 系主任判賠5萬

罵同事Childish 系主任判賠5萬
更新日期:2011/03/02 12:42






2011年2月26日 星期六

勞力短缺 成德國隱憂

勞力短缺 成德國隱憂
In Germany, Confronting A Looming Labor Shortage


BERLIN — With an aging population and inflation-fighting measures keeping wages low in comparison with its neighbors, Germany finds it has a labor shortage. Germany’s unemployment rate is the lowest in 18 years. And while many countries would celebrate a jobless rate in single digits, in Germany it is the sign of a critical lack of workers.


As of May 1, the restrictions that Germany and Austria imposed in 2004 on East Europeans wanting to work in the two countries will be lifted. Workers should pour in to take advantage of Germany’s booming economy and generous social benefits.


But economists say that many workers who wanted to emigrate from the eight East European countries that joined the European Union in 2005 have already done so — to countries like Britain, Ireland and Sweden.


McKinsey, the consulting firm, published a report last year that concluded that by 2020 Germany would have a shortfall of two million qualified people to fill open jobs. The engineering sector, crucial to export , says it needs thousands of engineers.


The high-tech industry, telecommunications, manufacturing and services already need people. And health care is also in trouble. “By 2030, we will need one million more people to look after the elderly,” said Bernd Tews, director of the Federal Association of Private Care.


Over the next 50 years, Germany’s population is expected to fall by 17 million from the current 82 million. The number of people 65 and older will increase by about half until the end of the 2030s, to around 24 million from nearly 16 million now, according to Joachim Moller, director of the Labor Market Institute at Germany’s Federal Statistics Office. The population older than 80 will grow to 10 million in 2050, from nearly 4.5 million today.

未來50年德國人口將減少1700萬人,由目前的8200萬人減為6500萬人。德國聯邦統計局勞力市場研究所所長莫勒表示,估計至2030年代末,德國 65歲以上人口將大約增加一半,由目前近1600萬人增至約2400萬人。至2050年,80歲以上人口將達1000萬人,是目前近450萬人的兩倍多。

And demographers say the birth rate is not high enough to keep the population stable. Policy makers say it will become increasingly difficult to raise tax revenue to support retirees and maintain economic growth.


Fearing a huge influx of workers in 2004 that would destabilize labor markets by pushing down wages or taking jobs from locals, Berlin and Vienna set strict conditions for East Europeans wanting to work in their countries. Hundreds of thousands of young people from Poland and the Baltic States, the Czech Republic and Slovakia found jobs elsewhere.


Mr. Moller thinks 100,000 East Europeans will come to Germany, drawn by perceptions that it is a well-run, wealthy and wellpaying country with a very good social welfare system.


But wages in the services sector are low in comparison to other European Union countries. “Wages and salaries are not high enough in the hospitality sector to be the only reason for leaving the home country, especially if you also put the higher cost of living in Germany into the equation,” said Peter Verhoeven, chief operating officer of Accor Germany, a large hotel group.


The government has raised the retirement age to 67 and is encouraging women to have more children. It has also considered making it easier for qualified immigrants to find work.


Accor is focusing on recruiting from inside Germany. Some German health care companies have set up training courses in Eastern Europe.


“We are doing some training in Poland and have looked at the Czech Republic,” Mr. Tews said. But, he said, “Most of those workers have left.”



2010年11月30日 星期二


孫芸芸:如果性是犯罪,請把我關起來 更新日期:2010/11/30 13:48

孫芸芸目前是微風廣場的時尚顧問兼代言人,畢業於南加利福尼亞大學經濟系的她,2004年推出個人珠寶品牌Tiara Group,2007年再推出個人飾品品牌STAR by Yun,她在介紹今年STAR by Yun「廢話系列」飾品時,就說了這句:「如果性是犯罪,那就把我關起來吧!」

孫芸芸最近接受《網易時尚》專訪,暢談她的珠寶經,提到「廢話系列」,孫芸芸透露,其實是她平常說的一些廢話的匯集,「我的朋友都會說,Aimee(孫的英文名),妳的廢話真的有夠Sex!比如,If sex is a crime,lock me up.如果性是犯罪,那就把我關起來吧!」

除了這一句,這一系列出自孫芸芸的廢話有:「I'm most likely to steal your boyfriend.」(我最有可能把妳的男友偷走)、「My other boyfriend is hotter.」(我的另一個男友更棒)、「Don't interrupt me,when I'm talking to myself」(當我自言自語的時候,不要打擾我)、「Allergic to stupid people」(對笨蛋過敏)、「I'm a virgin …long time ago.」(我是處女……很久很久以前)、「Once is never enough with a man like you.」(像你這樣的男人一次永遠都不夠)、「Life sucks without true love.」(沒有真愛,人生是一場災難)、「without dessdert is like love without kisses.」(沒有點心的人生就像沒有熱吻的愛情)等。

2010年11月12日 星期五


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