2009年11月6日 星期五


常 用 社 交 用 語

Happy birthday to you. 祝你生日快樂

Merry Christmas to you. 祝你聖誕快樂

Happy New Year to you. 祝你新年快樂

Good luck to you. 祝你好運

Have a good time. 祝你快樂

Have a nice trip.祝你旅途愉快
I haven't seen you for a long time.我已經好久沒看到你了

See you again. 一會兒見

See you tomorrow! 明天見

I'm so glad to have seen you again.再次看到你,我很高興.

I'm sorry,but I have forgotten your name.抱歉我忘了你的名字

Are you as busy as before?你跟以前一樣忙嗎?
May I ask a favor of you?請你幫我一個忙好嗎?

Can you do me a favor?你能幫我忙嗎?

Can you help me?你能幫我忙嗎?

I want to ask you a favor.我想請你幫個忙.

Would you pass me the paper?請把紙傳給我好嗎?

Would you get me a taxi?請你替我叫部計程車好嗎?

Would you please show me the way?請告訴我怎麼走好嗎?
May I bother you a moment? 我可以打擾你一會兒嗎?

May I trouble you for a while?
What can I do for you?我可以幫你什麼忙嗎?

Tell me what you want me to do.告訴我你要我幫什麼

I am always at your service.隨時聽候你的指示

You must tell me what you want.你需要什麼,請告訴我.

I will do my best.我將盡力而為
I'd like to meet Mr. Brown.我很想會晤布朗先生

Why are you in such a hurry?你為什麼這麼匆忙?

Thank you for coming.謝謝你的光臨

Thank you for helping me.謝謝你的幫忙

Thank a lot. 非常謝謝

Thank you.謝謝你

I don't know how to thank you.我不知道該怎麼謝你

You have nothing to thank me for.你沒有什麼要感謝我的,不必客氣之意
You thank me for nothing.
